Onychomycosis is an unpleasant disease that becomes noticeable when it develops quite strongly and requires active treatment. For whom is fungus most dangerous and what mistakes should be avoided in getting rid of it? Let's talk.

Damage to toenails is caused by different types of fungi (molds, yeasts, trichophytes). The nail plates of the feet are most often affected. The danger of this disease is that it does not appear outwardly immediately; noticeable changes occur already when it is more difficult to influence the causative agent of the disease. In this case, the infection can easily spread from the feet to the hands, and also penetrate into the organs, which negatively affects health in general.
This is a very common disease, and with age, the chances of getting an infection become greater.
Self-treatment, despite the large number of drugs in pharmacies, is unacceptable; it may simply not lead to the desired effect, or it may worsen the condition. We tell you why, as well as how to protect yourself from this unpleasant pathology and what methods of treatment can be used and which may not help.
Types of toenail fungus
Onychomycosis may differ in the type of fungus itself, the form of infection, and the stage.
Types of fungi
- Yeast.Yeast does not only live outside, it is part of our microflora. Normally, it consists of "good" and "bad" bacteria in an optimal combination. With normal immunity and health, yeast does not show its negative properties, and if they are disturbed, they become dangerous.
- Dermatophytes.This is the most common causative agent of the disease (more than 80% of cases). You can find them in the ground, dust, and you can also catch them from cats and dogs. This species is also the causative agent of ringworm.
- Mold.Mold thrives in humidity and warmth (which is why it is important to regularly ventilate rooms). Such mushrooms are very widespread, literally everywhere, some species can even be found on food. In addition to mycosis, they can cause lung diseases.
Depending on the type of mushroom, some treatment may vary. To determine the species, a mycological culture is taken from the nails, where the type of fungus is determined, as well as its sensitivity to antifungal drugs. Based on these results, the drug is selected.
Without an accurate diagnosis, self-administration of the medicine may simply not work.
Types according to the form of the lesion
- Surface- damage to the nail plates themselves.
- Distal- The forefoot is affected.
- Lateral- side parts.
- Proximal- rear end.
- Total- The entire foot is affected.
Stages of development
- Early.The most difficult stage, since at this time external manifestations may be slightly noticeable. At the same time, it is advisable to start treatment on it.
- Progressive.The appearance of the nails has already noticeably changed.
- Launched.The nail plates are destroyed. Secondary infections may occur, which will only worsen the symptoms.
The sooner treatment begins, the more successful it will be. It is important to remember that the disease progresses more quickly in people with weakened immune systems.
Toenail fungus - symptoms
The first signs of a fungal infection may begin with damage to the skin of the foot, manifested by redness, peeling and itching. Also, the disease can begin only with a change in the appearance of the nails. At the onset of the disease, the nail plate is most often affected at the edge in the form of a yellowish or whitish spot. Subsequently, the color of the entire plate changes and its thickness changes. The infection can affect one nail or all of them.
Outwardly, there is nothing attractive about this disease - this is proven by photos of toenail fungus.
The causes of toenail fungus are most often associated with direct contact with someone who is infected with the infection, or with objects that he or she has used (shoes, clothing, bath mats, washcloths, manicure tools). Infection often occurs when visiting swimming pools, saunas, baths, and gyms. Factors contributing to infection are cracks in the interdigital folds, increased sweating of the feet, dry skin, plate injuries.
At risk for this disease are, first of all, people with reduced immunity, as well as those who have pathologies such as diabetes, venous insufficiency, varicose veins, flat feet, immune diseases, as well as those who take steroid and cytostatic (antitumor) drugs. drugs.
Prevention and treatment
To prevent infection, it is very important to follow the rules of hygiene:
- in swimming pools, saunas, baths only wear slates;
- regularly air and dry shoes;
- change socks regularly;
- after the pool, shower and let your feet dry;
- do not try on someone else’s shoes, especially barefoot;
- increase immunity.
In addition, if you know that there is a carrier of infection next to you, it is important not to use his hygiene items or shoes.
How to get rid of foot fungus

At the first signs of infection noticed (we have already told and shown what toenail fungus looks like), you must immediately begin to treat it without starting it. First of all, the infection can get to neighboring plates, and in addition, it can enter the organs with the blood, which can cause intoxication, allergic reactions or diseases associated with the immune system.
Treatment of toenail fungus includes external methods (antifungal solutions, creams, ointments), as well as oral administration of tableted antifungal drugs. At the initial stage of infection, if the duration of the disease is no more than a month, and the damage to the plate is no more than 1/3, then only external antifungal therapy is possible. If the process is long, then tablets are needed for complete recovery.
There are also surgical and laser treatment methods, but on their own they may not be effective enough; the plate may still grow back defective.
Self-medication is also not allowed. It is very dangerous. The doctor should choose any means, and then help monitor the healing process. With this disease it is not fast (from 3 months or longer). At the first visible improvements, you should not stop taking medications, as a relapse may occur - the infection remains inside the nail, you need to wait until the plate grows back completely, without damage. It is necessary to complete the entire course, and always under supervision.
The most common mistakes in treatment
- Simply dry shoes and socks without treatment.If fungus appears on your feet, it is important not only to wash or dry your shoes or socks. Shoes should be treated with an antifungal agent, and socks should be ironed to kill harmful spores.
- Use only your own hygiene instruments, but do not treat them in any way.Regardless of who has the infection - you or a relative, you need to not only start using only individual hygiene items and tools, they also need to be treated with special means. Where possible, it is best to use disposable instruments.
- Use folk remedies.You can find many such recipes on the Internet. Some may help, but experimenting on your own can be very dangerous. Everything needs to be agreed with your doctor.